The Faith-based sci-fi The Shift has been getting a few reviews and buzz coming in in the past week to accompany their new trailer. Angel Studios has been promoting this film for the past two years, it feels like, and now it's paying off. Theaters are starting to fill up, and some positive buzz is coming in.
One of my favorite reviewers, The Collision, gives a review on his channel and it looks like one of my suspicions are confirmed in the idea that this film has a romantic vibe to it. This may encourage some of the ladies in the audience to ask their men to take them to see this film, because now this film is not just for the guys.
Additionally, it seems to be more of a tone poem film, and less of an action film, which makes sense. A more intellectual contemplative piece, as opposed to pure spectacle may be what to expect. This may turn off some guys in the audience expecting an explosion and gun-fight-scene-laden action film that thrusts you into adventure, but it seems like it's heading down a slower, headier path with romance, and maybe even a family-friendly tone to it.
This may also be a journey of faith inward. I say this because this film has been described before as a retelling of the Job story from the Bible, signifying to me that the character Kevin may be going on an inward, and spiritual journey to discover who God is, and how He blesses His children when even in the midst of suffering, pain, and difficulty.
Regardless, the visuals and acting look great, and this is right down my alley with the intellectual vibe.
Speaking of the acting, here's a The Shift Q&A with Paras Patel, who plays Matthew in The Chosen!
Also, here is an interview with the filmmakers of The Shift (Brock and Justen) on the Sinner Saint Sister podcast. This was about a year ago, though, but it's been great to see how far these filmmakers have come to get this film out there. I'm sure they are pleased now that this film is heading to cinemas within the week!
Tickets can now be bought at and by joining the Angel Guild.
Did you enjoy this article? Did you know The Shift was coming out in only a week? Remember to buy your tickets! Comment on our social media or down below (with subscription).
A Week Away From "The Shift" Theatrical Release, New Trailer & Review Drops @AngelStudiosInc @theshift_film #theshift
— Media Moses (@themediamoses) November 25, 2023