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Daily Wire Produces AI-made Commercial for Jeremy's Razors... and It's Pretty Epic

Regardless of my own stance on AI-use, I gotta admit this was a great commercial.

A Daily Wire AI-made commercial? Yes. Sure, AI can be a difficult tool to use and to feel good about using, considering how rough the future of the film industry looks. Nevertheless, these are days of experimentation for AI. And many will take a crack at it.

Here it is.

Pretty epic!

But what about our stance on the use of AI?

Here's where it starts, at our Justine Bateman episode of Cultural Warfare. Bateman's Credo 23 movement addresses this purported technology and unemployment imbalance we will soon see, if we continue to go down the path of AI-filmmaking. She takes a very hard stance on this technology.

Our podcast episode on this is here.

But that said, this commercial for Jeremy's Razors that came out recently is... really great, fun, and yet still rough around the edges. And I feel that, while it isn't a perfect tool, AI possibly might be used in an ethical way, that can meet all three requirements that I have, for now.

So, you didn't know I might approve of AI-use? Sure, but I may just "got some splain' to do."

These are my current requirements, in order to ethically use AI.

AI may only be used if...
1. it does NOT reduce the ability for production companies to retain their talented & skilled cast & crew, but to potentially supplement it with AI-techs, instead.

And also, if...
2. it does NOT water down the storytelling & artistic vitality of the product.

And lastly, if...
3. it does not remove an actor's options to consent to the degree that an actor is given the right to not consent to any individual use of that actor's digital performance, as is. Meaning they must consent to every use, cannot consent after passing away, and cannot transfer those rights to another person, through our temporary licensed use.

Therefore the artist and the art "required" to make good film, shows & videos can remain. So, instead of watering down vitality, it only adds another art form or skill to our repertoire and doesn't "replace people" who apply true talent and skill to bear in making better storytelling.

This means AI-use may, however, replace unskilled or unnecessary employees.

That may sound like a retraction from what I just said, but it's not. Filmmaking is an art form, and a true talent-laden skill set... it does not simply represent a potential job force or an employer. Reducing its purpose and potential to a source of employment is, in itself, a disservice to the job, and really an insult to any job's purpose and potential.

So, the point of using AI CAN actually be to save money, but what it can NEVER BE, in my humble view, is a way to reduce the amount of talent or the quality of storytelling displayed, simply because "cheap content can be created at a fraction of the cost."

I say "no" to this, on principle.

Failing this, it would effectively put "art" out of a job, in general. So, instead we must put our best foot forward, as it comes to the "point" of what film entertainment is about. It is not about the money. It is about the quality of work and the truth of the art form. I know that's a bit of a segway... but I believe it to be necessary, if we are to make our country a better place to live and to do good work.

Check out our podcasts and our future shows, such as Media Moses Weekly, to get more of these opinions on entertainment news from a conservative Christian and pro-American perspective.

What did you think of this story on The Daily Wire's new commercial and use of AI, on principle? Let us know on our social media or down below (with new sub)!

