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Media Moses Round-up: Our Top Ten Stories of 2024

Did you miss something this year? Did you get to enjoy all our best stories of this year? Find out!

Did you miss something this year? Did you get to enjoy all our best stories of this year? Find out!

So much has happened this year, it being our first FULL year of production. Making a media company like this this has proven to be daunting for us maybe because it is so multi-faceted, but the enjoyment we've received pays for it all. Being that there's numerous limitations for us, it presents a daily list of things to try out.

These upcoming stories and media represent some of these challenges, whether they be victories or defeats in the "let's try it out" department. These take shape as news and industry articles, Thinkpiece articles, company updates, and episodal podcast recordings intended to round out our opinion better in the form of a more real conversation.

So, let's take a look!

Here's our Top Ten Stories and Shows of 2024 (starting with number 10).

  1. Media Moses' Podcasts & Spaces for Public Conversation are Growing | Jan 23

Remember that old logo for the podcast? It's better now for sure, and we do more now than we did at the beginning! But this is about the article that introduced the show. This article introduced our efforts to engage in public conversation in order to broaden and deepen our authentic discussions about the culture, and the current issues with it. It lays out very clearly where we started and why we started Cultural Warfare the way we did. And boy have we done a lot with this show!

Media Moses’ Podcasts and Spaces for Public Conversation are Growing, Starting with X
We at Media Moses have been giving updates to our Insiders (free email subscribers) for over a year now on the intentions of our company to grow through hosting “difficult” but harmonious (or “cooperative”) public conversations. “Difficult” in that we intend to approach very deep and complicated social issues with

The podcast continues to put out weekly content and has even put out short content and clips in order to bring in more viewers. We have also had a few collabs and interviews with some incredible guests!

As discussed in our Media Moses Weekly articles and internal Monthly Addresses, this show will be adapting to "Hitting the Wall" of evergreen content and growing into two additional podcasts in order to handle the additional content necessary to continue driving the conversation forward! We're excited!

  1. Music Video '23' Shows Us A Musical Number from Young David | Feb 29th

This was one of our most charming articles because Angel's upcoming 'David' film just keeps giving, and the 'Young David' show was one of the ways it did that.

Music Video ’23′ Shows Us A Musical Number from Angel’s Animated Story ‘Young David’ Taken from Psalm 23
When you read and then try to sing to the Psalms it lightens your being. What a delight! But what would it have been like to see a young David begin to form these songs as he is growing up? Well, now is your chance. David starts to look better

Surprisingly, even more than that, we got a music video that accomplishes what we could only dream of... David singing an early version of a Psalm, as a child. Wow, what an exciting prospect, knowing that this animated film may end up FILLED with these kinds of gems!

  1. Pendragon's Production Diaries Reveal Lawhead's Bull Dancers | Feb 16th

Daily Wire's production savvy has come to a head with this particular behind the scenes Production Diary episode. These skills and this level of craft has been reserved traditionally for huge Hollywood pictures that have won Academy Awards, and so my surprise was substantial once I saw what Daily Wire were doing here with this show!

Pendragon Production Diaries Capture Lawhead’s Bull Dancers of Atlantis Using Shocking Precision
Today’s Hollywood lacks the expertise to work with horses the way they used to, and bulls are completely another level of production standards that will be required to maintain a safe and efficient set. And for what cause would they aspire for such standards anyway? Hollywood would easily shrink from

This Production Diary has truly set the bar high for Daily Wire, as it comes to what an alternative-to-Hollywood production house can achieve.

  1. Gina Carano & Elon Musk Take Up Suit Against Disney | Feb 7th

The Gina and Elon team up has given many hope for the future, as it comes to limiting Hollywood's cultural power.

Gina Carano and Elon Musk Enter Into Legal Action Against Disney, Only Days After Elon Hints He May Be In Talks to Takeover Mouse House
Some may scoff at the humble speculation on a takeover by Elon Musk, which may be all this is, but you’d have to be more familiar with Musk and Peltz and their recent run-ins with Disney’s Bob Iger to know that this is likely a bit more substantial

Whether they win in court against Disney is yet to be seen, but just the fact that they are putting up a substantial fight is truly inspirational and powerful for many of us to see.

  1. Candace Owens & Daily Wire Part Ways | March 22nd

Speaking of Gina Carano's lawsuit for being fired, this is one case where it appeared to be mutual... Candace Owens leaving the DW.

Daily Wire and Candace Owens Part Ways After Contentious Public Statements
THE place for uncompromising American film, music, entertainment, & media.

We're not a fan of click-bait articles and rage bait discussions, so we did additional research on this story to make sure we were being fair to both parties. We seek to be a good example to these kinds of industry and news companies (that may engage in such unhelpful inflammatory talk) by being fair and balanced in our approach, instead of spreading obtuse, hyperbolic, and angry sentiments out into the world. This article sort of exemplified this level-headed and professional approach we intend to follow while also not hiding our own opinion from you, the reader.

  1. Dallas Jenkins Forms 5&2 Studios To Make Far More Than Just 'The Chosen' |

How could we have known that our suspicions of The Chosen going the next step to make their own streamer or content creation studio would lead to such a jackpot!

Dallas Jenkins Announces Many New Projects at ChosenCon as ‘The Chosen LLC’ Becomes ‘5&2 Studios’
This Thinkpiece about the future of The Chosen and what their upcoming projects show is only for subscribers.

But here we are! 5&2 Studios appears to be an incredible use of The Chosen's new-found freedom from Angel Studios. It's true that some of the shows kind of surprised me in a not-so-good sorta way... that's fine. As stated in the article– this may be the new normal for 5&2 because it could be, we didn't know who this studio really was before. And now they are letting us know!

  1. Nine Kinds of Stories the Faith-Based Film Industry Needs Right Now | Nov 26th

This story went in tandem with a great collaboration we had with a YouTuber this year, Ryder the Omniscient! We were also able to interview him and would've put his interview on here, but it happened early in 2025.

Nine Kinds of Stories the Faith-Based Film Industry Needs Right Now
THE place for uncompromising American film, music, entertainment, & media.

This article is really about inspiring faith-based filmmakers to do better, which is exactly how Ryder's videos on YouTube make me feel. Both the article (and the interview we had recently) were also inspired by our previous interviews we had last year (which you may read about below). These were some of our most powerful moments from last year, for sure.

  1. What the Plugged-In Movie Awards Tell Us About Faith-Based Film | Mar 12th

This article was a hidden gem of ours last year. We discuss so many important aspects to making good faith-based & conservative work here that I consider this article integral to understanding what we do here at Media Moses.

What Does The 2024 Plugged In Movie Awards Tell Us About the Future of Faith-Based Film?
THE place for uncompromising American film, music, entertainment, & media.

"Why" and "how" do we differ from most other faith-based news outlets? This article tells you straight up. We put great storytelling above virtue signaling... all without compromising on great messaging and meaning.

1 & 2. Interview with's Marcus Pittman & Jason Farley | Aug 20th & Nov 22nd

We had a double victory this year when we got to interview two of the top guys from, in two separate interviews. It was quite helpful, illuminating, and fun to start out our interviewing operation with the two head honchos who have founded the most avant-garde Christian film outfit in the nation.

We started with Marcus Pittman, but I quickly discovered that I should also interview his right hand man, Jason Farley, once I learned that we had so many similar interests. Additionally, I helped fund one of his film projects and wanted to pick his brain on more of the inner workings of their projects. What results is a two hour meeting of two like-minded artists. Our passion for the subject is palpable.

We try to keep it very practical, as it comes to how we can make a difference in the world, discussing talent incubators, their Fridge Magnet program, how the church can serve to influence culture, some specifics on a few of their projects, and the future of Loor, including our hope that one day our favorite epic poetry may come to life through this platform.

Media Moses had a big year in 2024, and as we continue to move forward into 2025 and the Age of Trump, our hope is that this success continues to grow. New goals and projects will be announced soon, as we begin to look forward into the coming year, but we continue to thank God for the many obstacles we were able to overcome as we fulfill our mission to become the preeminent faith-based & conservative entertainment & news trade publication. We have a long road ahead, but we are well on our way with all your help.

Thank you, all of you, for such as great year! We hope to have many more ahead of us!

Did you enjoy this BEST OF article from Media Moses? Did you get to read or watch some of these content from last year? If so, let us know down below (with sub) or on our social media!

