In the history of Christian apologetics, the kind of archeological evidence relevant to defending the faith and the Holy Scriptures has only grown more robust. But, now a new discovery in Megiddo has shaken many who study ancient civilizations. Especially for those who doubted the biblical claims.
The Megiddo Mosaic.
Here is the trailer for The Mosaic Church, now on Angel.
The Megiddo Mosaic, it is stated, is now considered second in importance to the Dead Sea Scrolls. It has claimed the title as the most significant archeological find of the 21st century in the Holy Land, which is quite an accolade.
But why is this the case?
MovieGuide discusses the new film and the discovery here.
The case being made is that it is the first public building ever discovered that was used as a place of Christian worship... and how do we know this... but by the second discovery, which is that the literal words on the mosaic proclaims the deity of Christ. Both are shocking discoveries.
This is not shocking to many of us, we knew this. But for many, this proclamation of Christ's divinity was not always common knowledge for those who have remained skeptical of the claims of Christianity. Namely that it was a claim that has been made throughout the Church's history (from the very 1st century). Many who do not regard scripture as historical evidence claimed that it wasn't until the Council of Nicaea (about a century later) that Christ was claimed to be God, but this evidence is clearly seen now on the very floor mosaic of this church. Not to mention, these skeptics fail to understand the Nicaean Council when they claim it had to be the first instance of this proclamation. The Nicene Creed was an affirmation to what the true church always proclaimed, and was not a novel belief. It was, instead, an attempt to correct mistakes and heretical teaching growing in the church, which actually began to teach that Jesus wasn't fully God (Arianism), contradicting the accepted orthodoxy.
This settles it, as a public statement of orthodoxy in and around the year 230 that the Church indeed taught that Christ was God. And taught it publicly.
And many of us who study ancient history know that not long later, Diocletian committed to what some would call the worst persecution against Christians in Roman history. Very likely, this was why the mosaic was intentionally covered.
This persecution also eventually led to Saint George's death at around 303, and eventually the Christianization of the entire empire through Constantine. That is the story of Saint George slaying of the pagan dragon of Rome.
But the mosaic apparently remained covered... and it's a good thing it did.
It remained a time capsule for us all to see the truth, 1800 years later.
A great podcast by apologist Wes Huff and his organization Apologetics Canada discusses the more theological implications of this find, which is fascinating.
You can watch the full documentary film, The Mosaic Church, on this discovery here on the Angel site, below.

I hope you enjoy it!
I am glad that many of these discoveries can continue to reveal truth to the academic world. At least for those who will listen.
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