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Nightbirde Legacy Honored in Angel's 'The King of Kings' Music Video and Trailer

Nightbirde, a musical artist that suffered through cancer and finally reaching the end of her road here on earth, successfully challenged, blessed, and unburdened so many people of the fears they may have had with suffering and death. She blessed numerous children of God who find hope in Christ through her legacy of living life to the fullest, no matter what impossible odds you face.

Her music, her foundation, and those who carry the candle of her memory have graced this latest King of Kings livestream with her presence. And Angel Studios has championed her story through this music and through the upcoming King of Kings film, based upon Jesus, whom Nightbirde recognizes as Lord.

Yes, Angel's film is coming soon (April 11th) but until then, enjoy a memory of Nightbirde through her brief but beautiful touch on this music & on the livestream. Her music is so passionate and powerful!

This was the famous moment of 2021 that mostly made her known to the public on America's Got Talent, and during which she was battling cancer.

This song came later, as she was gathering her strength to fight cancer once again.

And afterward she did not survive, but an African Choir took the prize at America's Got Talent in her stead, singing It's OK in her honor. What a story.

Here is the longer livestream, featuring additional parts of her music & story.

Her other music is in various places such as Spotify and YouTube, but also her site Nighbirde Foundation provides resources for women suffering through breast cancer.

The Nightbirde Foundation

Even in her competition on America's Got Talent she remained stedfast, yet passed away. As her YouTube channel states,

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore, before you decide to be happy” – Nightbirde

Her YouTube also states,

"Jane Marczewski lived a beautiful life full of vision, creativity, and passion. As she pursued her career in music, she received news that no one saw coming: a breast cancer diagnosis. Determined to beat the odds, she fought for a miracle. In the midst of her fight Jane was invited to audition for America’s Got Talent and on June 8th, 2021 she performed her song, “It’s OK,” and won the hearts of millions and the AGT judges as she received Simon Cowell’s golden buzzer. The grasp of cancer was too strong for her body to overcome, and she dropped out of the AGT competition. Jane passed away on February 19, 2022, but left a lasting legacy of hope in Jesus that cannot be laid to rest, and her spirit is still impacting the lives of souls around the world through her music and her foundation."

She will not be forgotten.

In the livestream, her "Fly" song really speaks a thousand words. Words of thanks to those who stood by her friendship all the way to the end.

The new trailer that accompanied their livestream is here.

Many like her still have dreams... dreams to build culture despite all the challenges and life-threatening obstacles. May their memory be told, taught, and remembered faithfully.

Did you enjoy this article that reminds us of the preciousness of life and death? Did you know that it was Nightbirde's song that was in the trailer? Did you know about Nightbirde and her story before this? Let us know your thought's down below (with sub) or on our social media!

