Brett Cooper is one of those actresses who remains an enigma to her fans, for good reason. Hollywood hasn't cast her in enough roles yet for us to see what she can really do on the big screen!
Well, this northern British accent sounds like a tough challenge, even for people who do accents professionally. but it looks like Cooper handles it like a veteran voice actor. She can also have a relatable, intimate style. So, it makes me feel that her scenes will be very emotional. Especially the ones with Merlin, her love interest in this legendary tale.
There appears to be a new actress on set as well. Flo Thompstone has some finely crafted costume design for her character, Ygerna. So she appears to be a character of importance, but also the Roman leader, Aurelias, played by Finnian Cassius, who really reminds us of the era we are depicting here. This is the beginning of the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of a new version of Rome... European Christendom.

My goodness, the visuals in this show look incredible. The battles look visceral and final. And this just brings us one week closer to the premiere of this incredible "mythopoeic-style" series that Tolkien & Lewis themselves may have been proud to see with us, if they were here in the flesh.
We get to see Hadrian's Wall, the divider between the barbarian and the "civilized Roman world" where early Christians prayed that the wall would hold against the invaders. And many other true relics of western history show up in this book series. Civilizational collapse was always a concern after Rome fell to barbarians and, then again, after the Great Schism divided the empire into east and west, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, making western civilization easier to destroy, either by inward or outward attacks.
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Pendragon Cycle Week 13 Features Hadrian's Wall & Brett's Northern British Accent #ThePendragonCycle
— Media Moses (@themediamoses) June 9, 2024