Russell Brand, who has surprised and excited many Christian believers lately for accepting Christ and being baptized, has been doing interesting interviews lately, as well. I'm not a regular viewer, especially not for political news, but I enjoy many of his culture and entertainment interviews, and this one was a must for me.
Why? We get some unique insights into Jonathan in his own special and unique calling to play Jesus as an actor. Sound strange to you? Well, just keep reading.
Jonathan Roumie does a lot of interviews, so if you must know, there's a reason this one stands apart.
It starts out with them both admitting that Jonathan was Russell Brand's body double during "Ballers." What a special relationship, especially considering that Brand finally came to Christ.
They discuss so many great things here, but I found Jonathan's testimony in becoming such a unique actor to play Jesus, so inspiring. Especially in that while Brand calls him the best actor to play Jesus, it was more than this. Roumie literally felt connected to our Lord as a child, and literally did something so special as a child which brought him to acting as a profession.
This magnificent realization and testimony comes in at about 21 minutes into the video, and it started as Jonathan Roumie, the eleven year old kid.
Watch here.
This, to me, means that I would take a pause to judge him. Truly, I must severely hesitate to question him as a faithful believer in Christ who, in my mind, cannot really be questioned for playing our Lord on camera. This calling to play Jesus was from the very beginning for him. As a child it was a pure, and innocently loving desire. And this testimony bears that out in my view.
The affectation of these "acting out" moments in a child may seem strange to some who are not artists or actors, but as a filmmaker I've known many actors, and I can can tell you that actors are a very special breed of human being. Their acting out of these roles is something they often question in themselves, but eventually they realize that this is purely on purpose. They realize that this is part of their calling from God to act. It is not more complicated necessarily. It is literally because they were made to be actors.
Once you meet some natural actors, you can also admit that this feels so surprisingly raw and vulnerable to exprerience these things. And yet, for an actor it is just part of who they are.
It's powerful to realize. And so I have learned to love this special breed of person- the actor. And especially these actors who are fellow believers. Their calling in Christ is so special, and I admire what they do very deeply.
Did you enjoy this article? Did you know that Roumie was so affected by Christ that he chose to act in the way he does now? What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down below (with subscription) or on our social media!
Russell Brand Interviews Jonathan Roumie on His Unique Calling As A Child To Play Jesus
— Media Moses (@themediamoses) July 15, 2024