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Trailer: Angel Studios Amplifies Masculine Energy With Neal McDonough's 'The Last Rodeo'

It looks like the first fruits of McDonough's first-look-deal with Angel paid off.

A McDonough Company & Angel Studios film arrives with some real zeal attached... The Last Rodeo. But, will audiences agree?

Sure, The Last Rodeo could be a film for the "old dogs" among us, because for many of us it was like yesterday that this kind of film was reigning champion in our cinemas and on our televisions. I was a kid, personally, but I remember the 80's when Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, and Arnold Schwarzenegger dominated cinemas not just at the B-level, but also in many of the fun A-level films that the once-standard blue collar male movie watcher could enjoy...

and without even a drop of guilty-pleasure.

Women thought these "everyman protagonists" were hot, and men thought they were cool, but in any case, they were inspiring. And even kids got to stand mouth-agape in amazement while dreaming about what it'd be like to become one of these men one day.

As a kid I remember the inspiring realization that with enough sweat, ambition, and achievement you could be like them...


Yeah, at this point, it feels like most of us don't even remember that time because it was so long ago that our country cared about winning... so long ago that it almost feels foreign to me. It's something that people in China do now, but not people in the USA.

But no, we must protest profusely. This kind of film... this kind of "vision" isn't dead in America, yet. But it is getting close.

Tom Cruise himself made a return to this kind of film in 2022 with Top Gun: Maverick, which succeeded in earning an enormous amount of cash, and getting some awards. Some even said that the film single-handedly saved Hollywood at the box office in 2022.

Steven Spielberg was right: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ and Tom Cruise saved Hollywood
Tom Cruise saved the film industry, Steven Spielberg claims.

And now it could be getting a sequel. Deadline reports that they just need to 'get the script right.'

Jay Ellis Gives ‘Top Gun 3’ Update: “They’re Wanting To Get It Right”
After a year of development, ‘Top Gun 3’ is not quite ready for takeoff.

But why? Again, here's a reviewer giving Maverick its due praise.

And now, The Last Rodeo may be a fresh attempt to channel this kind of energy in theaters, again.

This is fortunate since, somewhat encouragingly, this film is an early product of the special deal made last year by Angel and (the new) The McDonough Company to make films together through a Hollywood-style first look deal, or a first "right-of-refusal" deal. Meaning, once McDonough has shot the film, Angel has first dibs to distribute it.

Looks like they liked it... and I can see why!

Our own story of their first look deal was shoehorned in with our article on Alejandro Monteverde (Sound of Freedom, Cabrini) getting a similar deal with Angel in 2024. It was a very big time for Angel.

Angel Studios Makes ‘Overall’ Deal With Monteverde, Reminiscent of Old Hollywood
Hollywood just doesn’t talk about their deals anymore, because it doesn’t make them look good in the news. I mean, who would trust them to shepherd their all-inclusive contract with them and expect it to be without incident? It’s like agreeing to a ten year deal to eat exclusively from

Angel Studios isn't known as a "male advocate" necessarily, it is true, as they have been known to put out the "lady films" as well... (see Cabrini, the upcoming Rule Breakers, and arguably, Homestead) but they also have put out quite a few good dude flicks, such as the absolute banger Sound of Freedom. And one should know that the important thing about that is... we generally don't see ANY Hollywood-style film studio putting out "dude films," nor do we see many authentic once-bygone masculine energy films here in the west. If you saw the reaction to Sound of Freedom, you might understand why. Hollywood won't like you too much, and they might even persecute you.

Instead of in the west, you might find them in international fare, such as India's RRR (also from 2022), which made enormous bank. It's money that (despite the exception with Top Gun: Maverick) Hollywood has notoriously LEFT on the table for someone else to pick up.

So, if people like Tom Cruise and Angel Studios is going to pick up that cash, we will applaud them!

I've advised the same to Christian streamer and others (who I respect) that masculine energy films will typically make more money than the Hollywood lady-films, because I know that only people like them... people who lie on the vanguard edge of what is happening in culture will understand this. "Based" Christians get it, but most will not. Others likely won't even listen, because not only do most people lack this masculine energy themselves, but they also do not even believe in masculine energy due to their ideology, known as feminism.

This would be somewhat of a typical statement, since the feminist ideology is popular and taught in schools, but when we see our fellow conservatives, such as the Daily Wire's out there, or when we see our fellow believers, such as the PureFlixes, or other faith-based studios (that have millions of $$$ at their disposal), continue to put girl-bosses at the head of their films, when they're the ones who should know better, we have to question their motives.

What's the deal?

This very clear agenda comes from a harmful ideology. An ideology that Hollywood has been shoveling into people's living rooms for over 75 years, and it tends to not only be harmful for family and faith, but it also tends to give unsuccessful box office results.


But, maybe Angel is now starting to get the memo! For one thing, there is now NO MENTION of International Women's Day as marketing buzz for the upcoming Rule Breakers film. That is a positive development because International Women's Day was founded by communists. It's obviously unAmerican. So, we should treat it is unAmerican.

As it comes to The Last Rodeo, we hope that this film can be one of many that will teach studios that men's films can continue to be successful. But if not... if the lesson continues to be obscured by those who are striving to follow this feminist agenda, then we may continue to see our film companies and streamers go bankrupt.

Obviously, we don't want that.

Because just like woman's basketball, we love women and we want them to continue loving what they love, but these products typically don't bring in great success. That means they often require additional subsidies to keep these companies from going defunct. That's because the exception usually doesn't make the rule (such as Barbie). And since the film business is often risky, a hit-or-miss, and a "nobody knows anything" situation (as they say in Hollywood), the lessons from the box office CAN OFTEN be obscured by people who seek to "read what they want to see" into the data.

So, here's to hoping that the few remaining real men in America can believe in our real heroes once again... even if it's not through an 80's reminiscent dude-flick. Regardless of the results, I'll be there and I hope you will too!

Did you enjoy this story on Neal McDonough's first film being made with Angel Studios? Do you like the idea of more male-energy films? Let us know your thoughts down below (with sub) or on our social media!

