"It's easy to ignore other's pain, when they're not suffering in front of you," - Mother Cabrini, as quoted in The Tuttle Twins.
Truer words have never been spoken, especially not in a kid's tv show. But some kid's shows "get it."
There's many great messages we can use as a reminder that life isn't easy for everyone, even those who are not like us: men, women, and children from any and every station in life. The notion to use this message to benefit a particular social class instead of all, and to appeal to one's identity, group, sex, or demographic, instead of to all, is a mistake. Why? Because this person, Mother Cabrini, was a Christian who believed in the inherent value of all human life. Not just our own group, no matter how victimized.
We are the Imago Dei, and as a result, we Christians and Catholics we are brought up to value all human life: big, small, boy, girl, rich, poor, and all of us. Constitutional rights derives from this concept and we also fought against slavery because of it. So, American history is very much in the mix of protecting every child, mother, father, and everyone in between! Especially the defenseless.
Watch the very charming episode of the Tuttle Twins which was just released, to help teach this lesson of our common humanity to kids.
The episode opens with the twins who are excited to enjoy their Saturday as a personal day to finally get their own things done. Their mother soon reminds them that they committed to give their Saturday this week to help provide for the poor at their restaurant. And Grandma Tuttle takes them on a historical adventure to see Cabrini in the slums of New York in the late 1800's. Learning from this, they gain greater perspective.
This kind of message, even if it's being used as marketing to see the latest Angel film, Cabrini, is my kind of message. And, it is especially valuable for children to learn to give to others in need, no matter who they may be and how different others may be from themselves.
They are still human beings.
During the recent livestream, which debuted this special Mother Cabrini episode, they give the date for the release of their new Season 3 of Tuttle Twins to arrive. It is coming to Guild members in May 2024! They also give an exclusive sneak peak which will be clipped at the end of the livestream!
So, we get to see what they let us see, and then in May 2024 we hope to see more! As they explain, you'll get to see more special Tuttle Twins (like this) as a Guild member. You can also win special prizes as they explain in the livestream.
How did they do such an amazing job on this message? The Tuttle Twins really gets it! They educate kids on freedom and American history for a living, mind you! So, what is the marketing for the film Cabrini sometimes missing? The absence of the "Itsy Bitsy Victim Mentality!" Watch it down below!
Why is this additional message needed?
We do, these days, all too often get to hear how hard minorities (and women) get it, which is why they claim they have the "rights" to abort (kill) their babies. But no, women aren't minorities, and often don't have it so badly, today- not like people like Mother Cabrini had it in the late 1800's.
But, what did she do about it?
Not complain. She worked, and worked hard, no matter the fact that she could have participated in many woman's rights activism groups in her day, she did not do it. She worked and helped those who were even less well off than she was, poor Italian children in the slums. Just as women today could take a clue and help advocate for children and the unborn today that nobody hears crying, Cabrini advocated for the gutter rats that nobody heard from in her day.
The entire episode Itsy Bitsy Victim Mentality can be seen on the Angel site here, or the Angel app.
So, after seeing this episode, my question for you is...
"Would Mother Cabrini be an advocate for women in our day, or would she be an advocate for the voiceless unborn, and the abolition of abortion? Would she work towards protecting the least of these who nobody seems to care for?"
You know what I'd say about it...
She would get to work for the children, and refrain from engaging in a victim mentality that so many women's advocates have today. They end up advocating for the right to harm the least of these, instead of for the equality of mankind. They're not trying to protect the voiceless child, who lies under the surface, in the dark womb of creation. Instead, they advocate for self.
What about you?
So, let's work to bring these stories that amplify light to so many more, to bring light to the sewer tunnels that nobody even know exists!
So, I am definitely looking forward to seeing this next season of Tuttle Twins, Season 3 in May... as well as the newly minted Cabrini film in theaters!
I will really enjoy seeing the upcoming hilarity from the Tuttle Twins as they travel throughout time to learn important lessons about generosity, freedom, kindness, and goodness. The true American way, without the victim mentality.
Enjoy more from the Tuttle Twins here! And see Cabrini in theaters by going here for information and tickets!
Did you enjoy this article on what Mother Cabrini would do then, and would she would do today? Let us know your thoughts down below (with subscription) or in our social media!
What is the REAL message of Cabrini?
— Media Moses (@themediamoses) March 9, 2024
"Tuttle Twins Reminds Us To Learn From Mother Cabrini To Give To, and Provide For The Unseen, Unheard Victims" https://t.co/PpefmzSW4y