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Zachary Levi Gives In-Depth Discussion on the Future of Hollywood with The Daily Wire

From lack of community, to executive bloat, to art-stealing AI... what are Zachary Levi's answers to Hollywood failure? And what has propelled him to begin a new film studio?

Many in Hollywood are dealing with an identity crisis, as we speak. They have not decided yet if they will remain Americans or if they will permanently remain against us. Such is the state of Hollywood, but Zachary Levi is not one of these critical theory elitists who call the US of A "flyover country."

This interview with Zachary Levi is unprecedented, not only for The Daily Wire, as they don't do as much with entertainment and culture (as I wish they would), but also unprecedented for Hollywood actors like Zachary Levi, who typically refuse to even associate with conservative news outlets like DW (*see our story on Letitia Wright). These kinds of actors tend to rely upon their Hollywood infrastructure to do everything they need for them, and they will shy away from political talk, unless it takes a clear stance in favor of the polite-Hollywood-society monolith... which is not very polite.

If it is conservative... God forbid, and good luck.

*see this article about Letitia Wright distancing herself from Daily Wire.

Letitia Wright, Executive Producer of Sound of Hope, Distances Herself from Daily Wire’s Promotion of the Film
Letitia causes a hubbub. But maybe the hubbub didn’t need to be a hubbub... bub. Nevertheless, lessons abound for us all.

We will start to notice this more and more, though, because many rats may escape sinking ships, with hides intact. And it's a good thing, because this particular hide is precious indeed. Zachary Levi being such a talented actor, we are all, as conservatives, grateful that he would even give us the time of day, because we need more people like him. But more than his mere presence, the content of this interview proves this heartfelt sentiment.

On top of that, we should also note that it's not just conservative media who needs talented people like him, but also us in the faith-based industry. Surprisingly, not long into the interview, they mention the new House of David series with fondness. Who would do this randomly for a faith-based project even ten years ago? I mean, who cared? Nobody.

But things are changing... and Levi's advice is desperately needed in faith-based and conservative circles if we are to make ground with any new project we make.

Hear what he has to say below, and do confirm what I mean about this being an "unprecedented interview."

They discuss many important matters, as it comes to the past of Hollywood's issues and our future possibility of entertainment WITHOUT Hollywood.

How will this happen?

Zach gives a few options, least of which is NOT his idea to build a new studio in Texas, called Wyldwood Studios. That sounds like an INCREDIBLE idea.

He has already begun it.

"But wait," you might say, "I thought you didn't want Hollywood moving to Texas, as indicated by your True Detective article?" *See below.

Matt & Woody Try To Make A New Hollywood in Texas. But, Are These Guys Really ‘True Detectives’?
They say everything is bigger in Texas, but I just want everything to be better, instead.

Yes, exactly. I never meant to indicate that a new studio can't happen. Nor does it mean it shouldn't happen, even in Texas. But it DOES mean that it shouldn't happen the way that Woody & Matt proposed for it to happen.

New taxes for Texans to help Californians make more films in Texas?


But, what Levi proposes... this "Wyldwood Project," (we can call it) is an Austin, Texas studio that already exists. It's already funded by Levi, somebody who at least wants a "different philosophy" happening there than what has existed in Hollywood. On top of this, no Texas money or government money is being asked for... a pretty yuge difference when you think about it.

I do think that more can be said, and NEEDS to be said about "what exactly" needs to be different, as it comes to the moral or ethical difference from the Hollywood film industry, because this is such an important matter to discuss. But he does go a long way to answering for the disparity we are seeing now and for reminding us what Hollywood should be.

It should at least be about the art of filmmaking.

Changes such as elimination of bloat, infusion of community, becoming artist-centric, and working to eliminate AI, are ALL changes I would personally propose as well! Additionally, his experience and deeply knowledgeable PERSPECTIVE on acting and art is ESSENTIAL for Christians and conservatives to begin understanding if we are to make a difference in the culture.

So many people I've met do not even understand what he's saying about the nature of art... and Matt Walsh's responses to this perspective is proof of that. Even Matt hardly understands his clearly more experienced and nuanced view on this.

This is a very important beginning to things changing, whether it just be THIS interview with Matt Walsh, or whether it be Levi's plans for the future of this new studio. Much needs to change and can, as we keep pressing forward... and keep moving AWAY from Hollywood to a new cultural beginning.

Did you enjoy this article and interview with Matt Walsh and Zachary Levi? Do you agree with them on how things in Hollywood can change? Let us know down below (with sub) or on our social media!

